Pharmacy purchase optimization solutions that instantly save money and increase efficiencies

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The VERISAVE suite of pharmacy purchase solutions helps any hospital and healthcare facility manage fluctuating drug costs to optimize and reduce drug spend.

Verisave automatically finds the best priced products for you from the right vendor, then ensures you pay the correct price by monitoring contracted and invoice pricing. Verisave empowers buyers to manage the best purchasing decisions at scale for significant savings.

Purchase Optimization Solutions

The Advantages of Verisave

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Patented technology on a HITRUST® certified platform

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Unique order log shows every step taken for savings

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User controls final pricing with formularies built into the process

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Uses current catalog data, not a retrospective look-back

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Transparent reporting including missed opportunities

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Trusted and experienced account management


Buyers can choose to not substitute a drug within a live order and/or add to an exclusion list so it will not be substituted going forward.

We can take formulary and special vendor contracts into consideration with either the exclusion list or a preferred list where you can set savings thresholds on NDCs that align with your contract details.

You will have details at the time of order that outline what pricing and accumulations were utilized, as well as post-purchase reporting that breaks down your original choice costs line-by-line compared to what was substituted.

Verisave uses your catalogs that we receive from your wholesaler via EDI. ​We can also manually upload catalogs for vendors that do not support EDI if provided.

Verisave uses a formula we call the “best blended price”. Our patented technology looks at your catalog pricing, accumulations, and substitution configurations and then dynamically, based on your demand quantity, finds the lowest priced product across a drugs’ GPI. For example, if you have accumulations on 340B but not GPO it will take into consideration the quantity that would be purchased at WAC.

In the post-purchase financial report, you will be able to select one location or the whole health system’s Verisave savings. We provide total savings, a detailed report indicating what was substituted, and reasons for why drugs were not substituted, per drug, for your analysis.

Verisave Multi-Vendor Select can be included and used for multiple vendors. The determination occurs at the same time as NDC substitution, and will automatically generate an order for any alternate vendors that will save on a product.

Working with Verity means you have a committed partner to help you navigate your journey and achieve your goals.

Our team is here to back you up every step of the way!

Personalized implementation with a dedicated manager from start to finish

97% of customers are highly satisfied with their designated account managers

97% of issues are resolved on the same day (80% within 2h)


Contact us today for more information