Alternative Distribution.

Restoring the full benefits of your 340B program.

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After pharmaceutical manufacturers implemented rules of engagement on traditional contract pharmacy models, ​340B pricing was limited for many otherwise eligible NDCs. These rules of engagement affect the benefits that would otherwise potentially support covered entities.

 Our Alternative Distribution Model (ADM) restores 340B savings benefits by shipping replenished drugs directly to the covered entity, then transferring them to a contract pharmacy for dispensing.

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Over 3000 direct replenishment orders

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60+ Health Systems Using direct replenishment

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Millions of dollars generated in previously restricted savings

Our Alternative Distribution solution:

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No CE participation fees

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Full in-system ordering support

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Maintaining compliance

You will be backed up by our exceptional support services

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Unique personalized implementation with a dedicated manager from start to finish

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97%​ of customers are highly satisfied with their designated account managers 

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Our AMs and support resolve 97% of issues on the same day (80% within 2h)



Partnership with Verity means a foundation of confidence that you’re doing, and getting, everything you possibly can—no stone left unturned. 

The power to do more: explore other solutions 

Realize results you didn’t know were possible: reduce manual processes; select the optimal option before placing your order; increase efficiencies, automate logistics, and dramatically decrease spend.

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