Realize additional 340B savings with options that fit your program needs.
You pay only when savings are recovered
Functionality helps you identify the best opportunities for additional savings
Manage on your own or select our full service model
Essentials is for Covered Entities who prefer to manage their own referral program. Our tools help you identify the best opportunities for additional savings while you track down the documentation to close the referral loop. And with opt-in functionality there is no risk if you do not act.
Our full service Professional option is for those who don’t have the time or resources to manage their program. Our dedicated Referral team will track and manage all required documentation on your behalf. Better yet, our data shows a higher referral capture rate with the full service model!
The HRSA guidelines state that a covered entity (CE) can claim prescriptions for 340B savings if it can clearly document its responsibility for a patient’s care, even if the prescriptions are written by a referred-to outside provider.
Key to this process is the documentation of continuity of care. HRSA requires that evidence of referrals be recorded in the electronic health record (EHR), including proof of patient encounters with both the referring and referred-to providers. Additionally, CEs must explicitly define their ownership of patient care in their written policies and procedures, particularly regarding referrals.
Documentation requirements include: