Contract Pharmacy

Maximize savings and provide convenience for your patients.

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Capture eligible 340B prescriptions filled at retail, chain, and independent pharmacies to maximize savings and convenience.

Establishing contract pharmacy relationships in your community allows 340B-eligible prescriptions to be dispensed on your behalf, extending access to medications for patients while also ensuring you receive eligible savings. 

Unlock additional savings

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Leverage Verity’s network of pharmacies

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Simplified administration and compliance

Verity engages and recruits pharmacies on your behalf, assisting retail pharmacies in obtaining proper registration with the Office of Pharmacy Affairs (OPA).

Our user-friendly tools and reports help to monitor and validate compliance, and detailed reports and dashboards provide a complete audit-ready view into program performance and activity.

Our platform solution manages and automates 340B replenishment, including tools to enable retail pharmacies to self-order; thus, minimizing costly bulges in inventory levels.

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Our team is here to back you up every step of the way!

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Personalized implementation with a dedicated manager from start to finish

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97% of customers are highly satisfied with their designated account managers

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97% resolution of issues on the same day (80% within 2h)


Contact us today for more information